If you can change your language, you can change your life!

Here’s an Excerpt from my ‘Conversations with Millionaires’ Book, with Tony Robbins’ Mentor, Jim Rohn…

Improve This and You’ll Change Your Life…

Mike: Talk about something that you mentioned. Changing your language. Describe what that means.

Jim Rohn: There is the language that can fit. You can use careless language around home and around the community. But, if you want to start stepping up, then you’ve got to learn the language. The corporate language. You’ve got to learn the sales language.

Then you’ve got to be careful not to be careless with your language in the marketplace. It can cost you too much. You know, a guy that is inclined to tell dirty stories, inclined to use a bit too much profanity.

It might be okay in the inner circle and at the bar or whatever. But when you start to move into the world of business and finance where you want to be successful, earn a better paycheck, move up the scale, you just have to be careful.

So, one of the major things is your language. Not just that, but learning the language of success. Learning how to treat people with respect. Giving people inspiration when they need it, correction when they need it.

The same thing as learning to work with your children.

Language opens the door for fortune. It opens the door for help. It opens the door for better living. It opens the door for a good marriage. It opens the door for a stable friendship.

A big part of it starts with our thinking, our attitude, and then a major part of it is the language we use.

Yours for the Success of Your Dreams,

Jason Oman
TV Success Story
#1 Best-Selling Author of ‘Conversations with Millionaires‘, ‘Conversations with Female Millionaires‘, & Creator of ‘Unlimited Income Streams

PS: Before I did my ‘Conversations with Millionaires’, & ‘Conversations with Female Millionaires’ Books, with those millionaires… I was on TV, for a few years, with some other Millionaires.

Here’s a Pic of me on that TV Show… http://JasonOman.com/AboutJason/images/JasonAndBrad.jpg

Then, I did another project, with some more millionaires, too!… All of that helped me uncover a Secret Formula for generating new income streams, whenever you want. Which you can check out at: http://UnlimitedIncomeStreams.com


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